tirsdag 11. mai 2010


Kirsten Henken and her pilgrim friend carried the Norwegian pilgrim baton via Osnabrück. Note the fine banner from the bishop of Schleswig-Holstein!
Photo from Heeslingen - between Stade and Bremen. May 2010.

Banner greeting
Gott spricht: Ich will dich segnen und du wirst ein Segen sein.

In Norwegian
Gud sier: Jeg vil velsigne deg og du vil bli en velsignelse.

Click to enlarge the bishop's letter.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hello from France !
    Nice to see your blog is going on !
    I am creating a blog about the path from France and especially the Paris way that goes through Tours, Poitiers and Bordeaux before it reaches Spain.
    I'm planning to write an article based on your post dated 19 march, as I understand English (and French) only...
    Hope you won't mind,
    Tell me if you want a link,
    All the best
    Jean François

  2. Dear Jean François, You are most welcome to write an article based on our blog post from 19 March. We would indeed appreciate a link to your article, thank you so much. All the best, Knut & Stein
