lørdag 27. februar 2010


Vi ønsker lykke til med pilegrimsstafetten og riktig god tur til alle deltakere på veien til Santiago!

Nous souhaitons bonne chance pour le relais-pèlerinage à tous les participants ainsi qu'un agréable pèlerinage sur le chemin de Santiago!

Beste hilsen
Sincères salutations,

Ordfører i Trondheim
Maire de la Ville de Trondheim
Rita Ottervik

Fylkesordfører i Sør-Trøndelag fylkeskommune
Tore O. Sandvik

3 kommentarer:

  1. Congratulations !
    Either on bicycle or on skis what you're doing is great !
    For sure members of our organization in Paris will hold your walking stick and carry the diary some day...
    Hard to understand norvegian but we can read the English (small) part. Go on, send more news to our Federation Francaise des Chemin de Compostelle, and we will know about it.
    Best regards,
    Ultreïa !
    Jean François FEJOZ
    Compostelle 2000 Paris France
    PS Can you give us the complete mail address of your organization ? Please send it to

  2. Thank you for taking the initiative to this great pilgrim relay! Our details have been sent to jffejoz@wanadoo.fr.

    Kindest regards
    Stein Thue

  3. merci pour les photos et le texte et surtout l'humour! ultréia!
    lucette de rp08
